Monday, April 28, 2014

Marble painting!

I remember as a kid in year one, doing marble painting. I loved it. I decided to see if Lumpy felt the same.

A pretty cheap and easy activity to set up. Paper, paint, marbles and a container.
I have found that now Lumpy is older, I can set up an activity and then she is happy to finish getting things ready and guessing at what to do.

I rate this activity a great success and one we will be revisiting again and again!
Getting the paper ready.
OH NO!!! the lid is broken!!
Just add marbles - she was confused as to why we were adding the marbles and her first guess was that the paint was gluing them down.
I suggested instead of gluing the marbles with teh paint, what if she moved the container?
On to the next one, she had this down pat!
You can see in the background some different papers from arts/crafts over the weekend, painting, making caterpillars on paddle pop sticks, colouring in! Our craft supplies have been boosted recently so it's all fun and games exploring them all!

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