Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bubble wrap octopus

One of Lumpy's favourite shows at the moment, is Mr Maker. We got her a DVD for her 4th birthday. In oen of the episodes he makes an octopus with a paper plate, bubble wrap, paint and a few other things. Lumpy reallllly wanted to give this a try, paper plates were on sale for 25cents so we had some of those. Pretty easy activity in the end.

Lumpy picked blue paint for the colour of the octopus. She did need my help for cutting the bubble wrap. She remembered her craft apron to attempt to keep her clothes paint free.
Painting the bubble wrap
Painting the paper plate
gluing on the goooogly eyes
Taping on the legs
Draw on the mouth (Mr Mker used cardboard for the eyes and 3 spots on the octopus head)

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